I gained some new followers so I thought I'd share a thread introducing myself so you'll know what you're in for! Hi, I'm Jan. I'm a therapist and I specialize in grief and trauma. I'm a remarried widow and have three adult children. I also have one fur baby, named Ruby. 1/
I'm also an ordained minister and in a previous lifetime, I was a worship pastor for many years. After my 1st husband's death, I went back to school to become a counselor and here I am. I believe it is possible to begin again. I grew up and served in evangelical circles (SBC).2/
I don't currently serve in a church, instead I minister in my office as I can. Therapy is holy work. I love to talk about mental health, grief, women in leadership (ministry particularly), and current events. Be warned: I am a rabid Alabama football fan and talk about it a lot.
I wrote a book, which you can find on my pinned tweet. I also include the warning that I am staunchly egalitarian and an unapologetic feminist and lean left politically, especially in these days of Trump. I am also pro-life and value all lives throughout the lifespan.
I'm a 2w3 on the Enneagram & ENFJ on M/B. I have zero idea what Harry Potter house I am in. I love to read, SUP, the beach, football,& playing guitar. This is probably more than you wanted to know, but thought I'd get it all out there so no one is shocked later! Nice to meet you!
P.S. I lean left politically but am fairly conservative theologically, if you care. Life is full of mystery and I am working on accepting that - sometimes there is no place you truly fit in.
P.P.S. I am on Twitter to share life and and to laugh with friends. Thank you for being a part of that.
You can follow @janjowen.
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