1.From the Desktop of Charlie Freak...

Remember, ONE of the Many roles that President Donald J. Trump is playing is that of a President that has little autonomous power when surrounded by Enemies (See JFK and RFK). Donald Trump is the PUBLIC face that is massively...
2... LIMITED by Popular Opinion, controlled entirely by the MSMedia, the Bought and Sold House and Senate, by the Bought and Sold Supreme Court, FBI, DOJ, CIA, the Pentagon, it goes on and on and on...
3... JFK Jr, or JFK, is playing the role of Robin Hood (another Kevin Costner movie, see the Parallels???) BEHIND the Scenes where things can get done in the Shadows, b/c the Demonic Cabal has blocked the Light out of Organized Society...
4.. it is ESSENTIAL that a Dynamic Man of Ability and many Guises can be FREE to run amok of their system and poke holes into it from endless angles...who do you think is responsible for the Truth Movement on the Internet??? Who leaked the info about 9/11, Chemtrails,...
5... Pedophilia, Pizza Gate, Flat Earth, Vegan Diet, infiltration of the Supreme Court, FBI, CIA, the House, Senate, and on and on and on it goes...he had to be kept FREE...no one KNOWS the Cabal better than John John, he spent his LIFE Dedicated to bringing down the Men...
6... who killed his Father and Uncles...Sun Tzu, the Art of War, KNOW THY ENEMY and strike from WITHIN THEM

Ask yourself, as with my latest video on cutting the Head Off of the Hydra...how did these 13 Special Op Teams gain access so quickly and silently into these 13 Mansions..
7...Fortresses ??? Why were so few killed in relation to those Captured??? The ONLY explanation that holds water (Level) is that SOMEONE knew the Cabal and Venice better than they knew themselves...remember, while the Rats are away, the Eagle can Prey...
7... Thus, what you have with President Donald J. Trump and Melania, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Caroline, are the "Two-Headed Talisman to the Cabal"...one in plain sight absorbing all of the Public Attacks and Vile Garbage being thrown at him, while the other operating,...
8... behind the scenes, in SILENCE, bringing down the Enemy while Donald Trump distracted them while he became, LITERALLY a SITTING TARGET for their Evil...

Who is better, which is more valuable??? These are impossible questions to answer accurately, because...
9... THERE IS NO DIVISION BETWEEN THEM...they are the Two Righteous Heads to the same SILVER and GOLD Coin...Donald Trump is 45 and 777, while John Kennedy is 55 and 888...the Sun and the Moon, the Milk and the Honey, the Light Without and the Light Within...
10... They are the TEAM that helped to RESCUE ALL OF MANKIND from the most Vile and Evil collection of blood-suckers that this Earth has ever known...
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