Dear white conservatives Americans, particularly those from small red states:

Stop saying that you're disenfranchised. YOU ARE NOT.

DISENFRANCHISEMENT is when you are not permitted to register to vote, not permitted to vote, and not have a legally casted vote count at all.
You on the other hand simply lost. Your votes weren't denied. You weren't prevented from registering. You did not have your early voting locations moved or eliminated. You don't have broken and inoperable voting machines delivered to your voting locations as standard practice.
You did not experience out of state people attempting to intimidate you in voter lines because of your color and political affiliation. You never have people threatening to come into your neighborhoods armed in an attempt to keep you home or change your vote.
You have not been threatened with arrest for attempting to register people to vote, or for providing voters...with a slice of pizza and bottle of water due to an 8 hour wait in voter lines. That's because you never experience lines anywhere near that long.
You did not experience police dogs and police clubs, guessing jellybeans in a jar, literacy tests, grandfather causes, poll taxes, violence, threats or intimidation in the past, nor have you experienced closed polls, thrown out ballots,...
...or voter roll purges by zip code and last name today. You are not victims. You have not been cheated. You have not been denied Quite simply, you have never been disfranchised, ever.
You are simply out numbered, losing power and influence, and desperate to cheat and hold on by any means necessary.

Black people, brown people, young people and some women have been disfranchised.

Your claim of disfranchisement is a lie, and will never be accepted.
My people have died because of disfranchisement and fighting for the right to vote. Your whining and specious claims defecate on and thoroughly disrespect their precious sacrifices.
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