"There's no way we lost Georgia," begins @POTUS. "That was a rigged election."
Tomorrow in #Georgia is the "one of the most important elections," says @POTUS.
Over the next couple of weeks "watch what's going to be revealed," says @POTUS.
"They're not taking this White House. We're going to fight like hell" says @realDonaldTrump of @TheDemocrats.
"How 'bout the press?" says @realDonaldTrump. "They've gone silent now. They used to fight me left, right."
"I hope Mike Pence comes through for us," says @POTUS of #January6th. "He's going to have a lot to say about it."
"We won the presidential election. We won it big," says @realDonaldTrump, who lost both the popular vote and the Electoral College tally.
"What's what this Stacey Abrams?" says @POTUS in #Georgia.
"I'll be here in a year-and-a-half campaigning against your governor. I guarantee it," vows @realDonaldTrump.
"I don't do rallies for other people. I do them for me," adds @realDonaldTrump.
"I'll be here campaigning against your governor and your crazy secretary of state" (who are both Republicans), emphasizes @realDonaldTrump in #Georgia.
"We're gonna build the wall," says @realDonaldTrump whose presidency ends in 16 days.
"If we don't do something fast there'll never be another fair election," according to @POTUS.
"I'm not happy with the Supreme Court. They're not stepping up to the plate. They're not stepping up," says @realDonaldTrump. "If you're the president of the United States and you get defrauded out of an election you should be able to file suit."
"They say I don't have standing to file a suit. What kind of Supreme Court is that?" adds @realDonaldTrump.
"America as you know it will be over" if @TheDemocrats win in #Georgia on Tuesday.
"This could be the most important vote you ever cast in your life," @POTUS tells supporters in #Georgia.
He "got badly screwed" on November 3rd, says @realDonaldTrump.
"These Senate seats are truly the last line of defense," says @realDonaldTrump, emphasizing he is not conceding the presidency.
"We came up with the vaccine," says @POTUS in his first reference at this rally to the #coronavirus pandemic which has killed 353,000 Americans. "This problem was caused by China."
Called up to speak by @POTUS, @SenatorLoeffler says: "I have an announcement. On January 6th I will object to the Electoral College vote."
After brief remarks, @SenatorLoeffler departs the stage and @POTUS remarks, "I'm glad I invited you up."
Next @mtgreenee who tells the crowd: "We have to save America and stop socialism. This is the last line."
"We've had enough. We're not going to let Georgia go to two radical socialists," adds @mtgreenee.
"I'm a little angry at you today," says @POTUS of @SenMikeLee who is also present. The #Utah senator has rejected the @GOP plan to try to reverse the #Election2020 results.
Daughter @IvankaTrump invited to speak.
"He will never stop fighting," @IvankaTrump says of her father.
"The fate of our country is at stake" Tuesday in #Georgia, says @POTUS. "We're not going to have that tomorrow night where you're leading and -- boom -- all of a sudden it's gone."
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