Freddie Mercury rolling in his fucking grave
Also, you lost asshole, you're not a champion.

16 days
Conservatives playing gay anthems is just a weird thing that does not go away. Now on to Macho Man.
This is not a huge crowd.
If I followed that mouth drivel correctly, he says that when the press stops covering him, its evidence of communism
"I like Mike Pence. But if he doesn't come through for us, I'm not going to like him so much."
Trump neglects to point out that Karen Handle then went on to loose to @lucymcbath_
Now turning on Kemp and Raffensperger
"I don't do rallies for other people. I do them for me."

fact-check: true
Trump talking about betraying military families---when he vetoed the Defense appropriations act.

Then goes on to renaming bases.
"I've been involved in two of the biggest scams in history."
He notably toned down the anti-immigrant stuff his last month on the trail, but it's back. Nothing but "caravans" and "putting MS-13 gang members into your children's schools."
Leads crowd in booing Supreme Court for not overturning the election.

"They say sir, you don't have standing."
Again says he doesn't like to do rallies for other people.
Fair number of people in crowd wearing masks, which good but might imply reality beginning to set in, even among super fans.
Trump says that Ossof will vote for the Green New Deal and then....buildings will be ripped down b/c their windows are too big?

Sounds like a very specific real estate grudge
Calling Loeffler to the stage, who pledges to object to the Electoral College vote. Then fawns all over Trump.
Trump gave her maybe 45 seconds at the podium.
Trump then calls QAnon and new Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to podium.

Bet she gets more time than Loeffler.
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