Since you have written a long thread .. motivated me to write one ...
How gullible is a Kashmiri pandith ...
1986 ... Saibugh village ...
Main characters ...
Bhan sahib his wife Aarti and daughter soni (names changed )
Vs Gulam Qadir his younger son Rashid and elder Gani..
1. A winter morning there was a commotion on the street .. Bhan sahib .. a gazetted officer in education department was requesting his Kashmiri friends that a temporary road that is proposed have been planned only taking land from Hindus and avoiding taking from Muslims ...
2 suddenly the sarpanch Gulam Qadir enters the scene and gets offended on Bhan accusing him of instigating Kashmiri hindus of the village ... Bhan requests him that there should have been an even distribution of land being used for temporary road for both Hindus and Muslims...
3 Qadir is in a rage .. though being uneducated and arrogant yet powerful.. He pushes Bhan to a side and throws him like a pumpkin on the road .. Aarti ..Bhan sahibs wife does not take this well and hurls her kangri towards Qadir who sustains minor injury in the head..
4 the incident ends with all crowd dispersing for the day ..
The next day Qadirs younger son Rashid with his friends attacks Bhans house .. The motive is clear .. To avenge the father's disgrace with disgracing Bhans daughter Soni ..
A scuffle ensues ...
5 nobody comes to Bhans help .. All kashmiri Hindu neighbors bolted themselves like tired and horrified horses.. Rashid and his friends have a field day .. they beat up every family member in Bhans family .. 6
6 finally they are able to lay their hands on Soni's shalwar and it is lacerated and few slits can be seen from a distance ... A fight now changed into a rage ..
7 luckily Qadirs elder son arrives at the scene .. he seemed to be gentle and maybe a version of Dara Shikhon... He stops his younger brother from any further harm to Soni .. Soni cries and goes inside his house wailing ..
8 Gani shouts at Rashid and his friends and instructs them to leave .. After a thousand abuses he leaves .. a possible rate attempt was avoided ... Gani after a pitiful look on Bhan and his wife leaves ..
9 After a few days ...Qadirs daughter while carrying earthen piture on his head saw Bhans wife going to school on the main road .. Bhans wife Aarti is the headmistress of the school and it shows when she walked to her school .. the piture lady puts her water filled pot down ..
10 Qadirs daughter in a rage comes forward towards Aarti and lodges a volley of slaps on her face with thousand abuses... Aarti is warned by uneducated pot carrying woman to behave and ask for forgiveness from her father and don't be seen on the road ...
11 So in 1986 ... The first family migrates ... Bhans family leave their village for a place more tolerable ... But to their surprise they would find all their coward Kashmiri Hindu neighbors joining them at Jammu as refugees in 1990 ...
12 Many years passed .. the younger son of Bhan was found to highly secular on Facebook ... He writes many praises for his uneducated neighbours and praises them for being humane .. he was blaming ...the other way round .. the parents like Bhan who could not get adjusted ..
So Kashmiri Hindu community is a very strange community with memory of maybe a bit more than a monkey .. they forgot easily ... They forgive easily ... I am one of them ...
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