1~I still haven't figured out just how to word a breakdown of how matter is brought into Creation by 369 Spirit Science-Magick Science!
So I AM going to give a brief with no visuals for you to meditate on or just contemplate, or, HELL! ignore! haha
Imagine a thought of a new car.
2~Close your eyes. Picture that car in your mind's eye. The smell of the leather. The "new car" smell. Feel the seats on your skin. The wheel in your hand. Taking a corner. DOWN TO EVERY LITTLE DETAIL AS THOUGH IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT THEN AND THERE! Now...the more energy/focus
3~you put into that Vision? The faster it will come to fruition. Now in 3D, though it's possible, it won't just manifest for you out of thin air. The Universe will guide "things" your way and when it's said and done. That car you first envisioned? WILL BE YOURS IN THE PHYSICAL!
4~You couple that with 369 Spirit Magick https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1307167399620284416.html
by doing things in multiple/divisors of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 to ENHANCE the POWER of Manifesting "matter" from the Source Field.
Words of caution. This is REAL Magick. Please keep your Hearts Pure of Intent!!!
5~You want to move something with your mind like a Jedi Knight? You can. Focus your Energy Intent on say a pencil. Important to KNOW that everything in the physical worlds are CONSCIOUSNESS! Connect your Consciousness to the objects Consciousness. Ask it to dance or similar.
6~Show Love and Compassion to the object with Heart Ray Love Energy. What you're doing is commanding the Consciousness to perform an action but you're doing with LOVE! Remember, YOU are a fractal of Source/Creator. You have the WILLPOWER of Source!
Creation is CODED to respond!!!
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