I fully expected to hate Eve.

(Especially after S3, I had concerns.)

But Eve actually wound up being an incredibly subtly written character, that when you take a step back says a lot about choice, independence, & not centering yourself around a partner... (Thread)
Eve's quite "literally created for" someone as an incomplete partner. She is not whole - she was made from someone else.

She's a glorified consolation prize, never intended to be her own person.

Outside of that metaphor, I have known women like Eve.
...naive & sweet & whatever another person wants them to be because they are desperate to be accepted.

The way the characters like her instantly makes sense. This is how she was made, adapting to be loved, she's whatever someone needs her to be.
Lucifer dresss like others to "become" them in terms of trying to understand from someone else's POV.

We see Eve dress like Chloe, not to understand, but to actually become like the other person in order to be wanted. It's a visual demonstration of her behavior throughout.
Even once she starts spending time with Maze instead of Lucifer, her wardrobe changes. She dresses more similarly to Maze.

(The visual storytelling by the costume dept is always excellent.)

Eve does not know who she is & cannot love herself. So she looks to others.
Lucifer & Chloe both have to learn in S4 to accept the other as they really are - fallible & dimensional - *as well
as* accepting themselves.

Eve is capable (at this point) of neither of these things.

It's what makes the storyline work so well.
The metaphor of Eve from the garden works so well because it means Eve is coming out of a toxic, unbalanced marriage she did not choose & is also completely out of her element, knowing no one but Lucifer and his friends. She has zero personal life that is her own.
She's as ancient as the human race, the first woman, but she has none of the wisdom or life experience of Lucifer or even Lilith or even Maze. She is meant to be naive, and incomplete, and selfish even if she doesn't realize it.

But then she finally does realize it...
She's naive, but she's not stupid. She figures out she doesn't know who she is. She watches Lucifer's struggle and learns from it, as well as learning how many consequences her actions have, and more. She finally not only has the strength to let him go, but has the...
strength to leave what she knows yet again, to go find herself outside of a relationship, to go be her own independent person, & to do something solely for herself.

That's a huge arc for someone who came back to Earth just to get back with her ex.
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