You may have heard of Bill A416, a proposed law in New York that would grant the Governor the ability to imprison or deport anyone he deems to be a "public health threat".

But it's actually way worse than that.
Not only does A416 give Cuomo the ability to detain and remove people without trial, appeal or oversight, it would also grant that power to anyone he wishes. "Including, but not limited to" means pretty much whoever he wants.
This bill turns the Governor into an overlord who can appoint anyone he wishes to remove whomever they wish, as long as they decide that person is a "threat".

Given the government's track record on civil liberties, just picture how that could be used in the future.
The reference to "clear and convincing evidence" is a smokescreen, because there's no due process here for them to have to prove it in court. Every person in NY can be ruled a "threat".

This isn't guilty until proven innocent. This is guilty with no chance to prove innocence.
Republicans in Albany will complain, watch it pass & then do nothing to get rid of it, just like every other bad law or regulation in NY.

@lpnyofficial is fighting to stop A416 from passing, & has been the only consistent voice of opposition against King Cuomo. Join them today!
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