Trigger and content warning....


I respect the hell out of the @RepRaskin family for sharing w/the world the cause of their son’s death so people understand that it isn’t something to be ashamed about&is something we should talk about out loud.

Just like mental health in this pandemic. IT ISN’T HIDDEN
He was 25. This is in the age group I see all the time&is often neglected in conversation.The college&grad students who suffer greatly&often at rates higher than the rest of the population.

We need to address their needs & focus on mental health as a crisis in this country. Now.
This is also a good time to remind the media that there are reporting guidelines around suicide bc there are very real consequences when you do not follow them. Be careful simply copying the words of a grieving family as they might not know/follow them:
And if you or someone you love needs 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Or text HOME to 741741 for @CrisisTextLine. If you are a physician in need of free and confidential help, you can call the Physician Support Line, 1-888-409-0401 8a-1a
Other good places for resources include: @TrevorProject @NAMICommunicate @jedfoundation and @afspnational

My heart goes out to @RepRaskin family&I promise to keep fighting to help make mental health more treatable,more accessible,more approachable, less stigmatized, & equal.
You can follow @drjessigold.
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