The Federalist publishes a lot of trash, but this is goofy even by their standards
“Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced...”

Every American should be concerned that the press has pandered to these delusional nitwits so much that they now think we need to accept their moronic delusions as legitimate.
Here’s the message I have for people who feeeeeeeeeeeeeel there was WiDeSpReAd VotEr FrAuD:

Fuuuuuuuck off
“Left leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters...”

This is the first I’ve ever heard of those as “left-leaning” (they’re not)
But here’s the real message:

No one should give a single fuck how many people FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL there was widespread fraud. There wasn’t. Even if it was 100% of Trump voters, no one should give a shit. We all need to stop pandering to morons and conspiracy theorists.
Seriously, @Stella_Morabito, your column is deranged. No one should care how many of you dimwits feeeeeeeeeeeeeel there was widespread fraud. There wasn’t.
Earlier today I started working on an article about this whole “Yes, but people FEEL like the election was stolen!” argument, aching like they weren’t responsible for why so many people FEEL that way.

Made a quick list of some of the ways Fox has sowed doubt since 11/3
It’s an incomplete list, obviously. Were I to expand beyond Fox, it’d take me weeks.
This idea that because people FEEL like there was fraud that we should scrap the election is absolutely the result of decades of mainstream media capitulation to right-wing ref-working.
The only way out of this is for mainstream media outlets, for tech companies, for social media platforms to STOP caving to bad faith whining.

These are the same people that have convinced themselves that there’s “anti-conservative bias” everywhere. There isn’t.
Stop indulging them. Stop pandering to them. Stop enabling them.

Pro-conservative bias has gotten us to this place in time, this place where they think their FEEEEEEEEEELINGS are a substitute for evidence.

This is on mainstream media outlets.
This is on social media platforms.
Here’s one way you know that right-wing ref-working works:

When Trump won in 2016, CNN, NYT, NBC/MSNBC, etc. all went out and hired a bunch of people on the right.

NBC hired Megyn Kelly! Greta Van Susteren! Hugh Hewitt! Nicole Wallace!
And NYT hired Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss away from WSJ’s opinion pages.

After Trump lost, did these media outlets take steps to better represent the left, though? No, they did not. In fact, CNN recently let a bunch of left-leaning contributors go.

It’s ref-working.
The left has almost zero actual representation in mainstream media. I’m serious. Left representation is so sparse that centrist policies like a single-payer health care system and a return to pre-Reagan tax levels are viewed as the most extreme positions on the planet.
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