Most divisive match last night was Tanahashi/O-Khan. More specifically, O-Khan. Seeing takes that he (and the match) were great, seeing takes that he was terrible. I'm in the middle on the match, but I'm all in on O-Khan's presence, aura, and future. (1)
His work is different, which is good, but also lends itself to criticism. He may never be the style of super worker that NJPW fans are used to. He works deliberate, and by the end of the match you feel like his opponent was hit by a dump truck. That style will take time for (2)
fans to adjust to. He will keep evolving and keep getting better. The parallels to Jay White continue to be obvious. Go back and read the tweets following White's WK match vs Tana. Same questions and same critiques. Okada vs YH in 2012. Same thing. Rinse/repeat. (3)
And like White & Okada, the office is fully behind him, the top stars are fully behind him, the veterans. They all see him as a top guy, and i'm talking TOP guy. The star presence, aura, confidence is there. The match quality, we'll see. Some love his stuff already. (/4)
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