I graduated in a panny and achieved a 1st class in my final year (2:1 overall). Here are some of the things that helped me do this. I hope this is helpful + if you graduated this year feel free to add anymore advice.
1. Set yourself a false deadline at least two weeks before the actual deadline.

The levels of uncertainty right now are outrageously high and who knows what could happen in the run up to a submission. So try as best as you can to get things done earlier to mitigate risk.
2. Use your extenuating circumstances every time.

I think I got an extension for every single assignment last year because doing uni in a pandemic is an extenuating circumstance in itself. Supervisors and lectures are actually more understanding than we give them credit for.
3. Apply for a hardship fund/bursary.

I applied and received around £400 from my uni and I had the option to reapply if I needed it. The money was a good buffer because I knew I was graduating in to a scattered labour market.
4. Tune into NS10v10

@theresnosignall came in so clutch. I'd grab a bottle (with my hardship fund money) and make sure I got my work done before 9pm. It's important to still have things to look forward too.
5. Create an accountability group

This was the gamechanger for me. I had no motivation to do work most times but my accountability group were on my neck every single day. We had a daily call @ 7pm to reflect on how the day went. The group is still running till today.
6. Pressure your uni

Universities and teaching staff will respond to the lockdown based on how you are responding. Tell them that it's hard because their experience will be different to yours. When I got COVID, I cc'ed EVERYBODY boy. You should too.
I can't think of anything else atm but good luck. It'll probably suck irrespective of this advice, so get all the joy you can while you can + see you on the otherside soldier.
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