During my career in product I've had the luck of having some incredible mentors along the way. Here are some of the things that have stuck with me throughout the years 0/
1. If you don't know the answer don't be afraid to say i don't know, you'll look more foolish if you do the opposite.
2. ABT - Always Be Testing. Always have your eyes and hands on the production product, not only to catch issues but to stay in touch with the user experience.
3. Never assume, it'll make an ass out of u and me.
4. Getting things done is project management, getting the right things done is product management.
5. You need to know the data. Every morning when you come in you need to know how the metrics you own performed the day before, how they are doing this week, this month.
6. Think big but pay attention to the small things.
7. As you build a team surround yourself with people that will complement your weaknesses.
8. Over communication is always better than no/little communication.
9. You are the driver of your career, no one is going to hand it to you, you have to take it in your hands, earn it, and make sure you communicate what you want out loud.
10. Learning how to build relationships is essential, no matter how good you think you are at what you do.
11. Hire people that are more knowledgeable than you to keep on raising the bar of the team and of the product.
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