A lot of people seem to have this view that you magically 'conquer' depression through some romanticized lens of "You're strong! You can do it if you try!"

When quite often, a victory over depression is psyching yourself up for three hours to go take a shower, and THEN DOING IT.
A *REALLY* good day for my ADHD & depression driven brain (a real fun combo) is one in which I manage to get at least TWO THINGS done that I needed to, with only 10 or 15 side quests started by random thoughts.

Spoiler: I did not need to inventory the blankets RIGHT NOW.
An truly amazing day is when I do that and can also regulate my emotions so I don't swing between angrily yelling for no reason, to apologizing, to telling myself I'm worthless.

Bookmark this for the next time you want to tell someone they are 'strong' & 'they just need to try'.
If you are wondering, I have a blue plush blanket, two grey plush blankets, a duvet, two quilts, the afghan my grandmother crocheted me, my childhood blanket for when I'm sick, my Critical Role blanket, and the new weighted blanket.
In case you needed that info. I apparently did.
Oh, and three sets of grey sheets. Thats it. Just grey. I think I did that so the pillowcases would all be interchangeable.

Or just because it was easier than deciding on a new color.
oh you thought i was done

post script - this societal obsession and emphasis on 'being strong enough', which we see perpetuated in SO many places, is why I (and people like me) go years suffering quietly and refusing help, because we should be strong enough.

Stop that
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