THREAD OF ALL THREADS on @jimmy_dore

Bear with me... it's going to be a big one.
I'd like to first start off with the infamous debate Jimmy had with @SamSeder ... Sam was 100% correct, Jimmy's predictions ended up falling flat and made him look like an ignorant ass.
@SamSeder explains to Jimmy why the Democrats wouldn't be able to filibuster all of Trump's judicial nominees.
Jimmy once again conflates the Republicans refusing to hold a hearing for Merrick Garland the same as Democrats attempting to filibuster Trump's nominees all 4 years. @SamSeder is visibly confused.
Again... Jimmy doesn't understand the difference between what Republicans did to Merrick Garland and Democrats potentially filibustering for 4 years...

He also says that Democrats will get the Senate in 2018

❌This didn't happen
ONCE AGAIN! Jimmy is incapable of understanding the difference. @SamSeder becomes frustrated and laughs off Jimmy's comments.
Jimmy Dore goes on a tirade against Hillary Clinton for not being tough enough on climate change

@SamSeder asks Jimmy why does he want to enable Trump who doesn't even believe in climate change, Jimmy says bc we have 2 years and then Democrats will get the Senate.

Jimmy says if the two candidates are Hillary or Trump, he'll take the risk of Trump bc Hillary is a Neoliberal, warmonger.
Jimmy goes on an unhinged Gish gallop...

@SamSeder reigns him in and asks him to stop promoting bogus political theories. Jimmy doesn't take it too lightly...
@SamSeder makes a cogent point that Jimmy needs to stop being irresponsible with his platform..

Jimmy pivots and asks Sam a whataboutism question about MSNBC and Hillary.
@SamSeder calls Jimmy reckless for his tactics.

Sam asks Jimmy how does he know that on day one Mitch McConnell won't change the nuclear option rule... (fast forward, he did)

Jimmy says "how do you know on the 1st day Hillary won't bomb Syria with a nuclear weapon."
@SamSeder AGAIN has to explain to Jimmy why the Democrats won't be able to filibuster and what the Republicans are doing is not akin to filibustering.
and here is the finale...

Here is Jimmy Dore arguing for full out accelerationism.

He says that in 2 years Democrats will flip both the house ✅ and the Senate ❌ and that in 2020 we will get a real Democrat 🤷‍♂️

@jimmy_dore was so distraught by his debate with @SamSeder that he clipped out a part of an interview he did with @Faradayspeaks where Caleb mentions Sams name..

Jimmy is actually a beta.
Jimmy Dore is confronted on his show about Tulsi's record on Modi and Hindu Nationalism and Jimmy shakes it off with more whataboutisms.
Here is Jimmy Dore spreading right wing talking points about covid in late May, early June.
Jimmy Dore once again spreads conspiracies about covid... He says there are deaths being counted as covid that might not be covid.
This was an actual quote by Jimmy in the debate with @SamSeder
Jimmy Dore made 3 videos about the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.

Watch @SamSeder takedown
Here's Jimmy Dore making 2 videos about Hillary Clinton having Parkinson's... another conspiracy theory.
Seems like Jimmy Dore didn't care too much about forcing the vote for M4A when he found out Tulsi doesn't support it. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Check out Jimmy blowing a gasket over AOC and screaming at ppl over zoom

Jimmy Dore is quite possibly the dumbest political commentator on YouTube... Yes, dumber than Tim Pool and Steven Crowder combined.

A CNN article once prescribed the term "left wing conspiracy theorist," to him and it is 100% accurate.
Either ignore him or constantly remind him of this thread.

He says so much dumb shit it's hard to track.

His recent tirades on forcing the vote for M4A have been completely incoherent... Ask him what the plan is after M4A fails/passes...
You can follow @n33k0sam.
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