I feel so sorry for everyone in the uk back to juggling childcare and work. And I agree, its dreadful noone took action sooner, or provided support to those affected. Isn't it dreadful that I'm jealous... to explain why, here's what's happening in CZ 🧵
Nothing. Nothing is happening. We have worlds highest infection rate, and we broke the risk assessment system in many regions over the last week. But we are sat with the measures recommended in that risk system, that are clearly inadequate.
Nurseries and the first 2 years of school remain open (in theory... mine are home, and many others, because we no longer trust the system to keep us safe, and many of the teachers are stuck at home, schooling their own kids!)
But nothing is happening. There are no announcements. Or promises of announcements. There are no more measures introduced because there isn't an additional risk level in the system, so theres no more planned measures to introduce (until/unless we get a new risk system).
And the nothingness makes me feel like I'm living on a different planet. Why is noone else mad about this? Why arent we demanding answers on what they intend to do to protect us all, and support us? Because nothing is a problem.
Nothing means we are unofficially keeping our kids home, juggling with work while employers expect us to be working at full capacity, and constantly having to justify to everyone why no, I wont be attending a face to face meeting.
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