1) Make sure your children (and you) have joined your local library.
2) Have a conversation with your kids about what they like to do most. Minecraft, boxing, it’s all good. Make a list.
3) Choose one topic and get some books out on it. Choose a range of genres/
e.g. graphic novel, autobiography, fiction, handbook.
4) Get reading. Set targets for end of chapter/day/week accomplishments.
5) Set targets could include an illustration, diagram, short essay, proposal, oral presentation, digital presentation, Minecraft simulation, etc.
6) Set a choice of targets and LET YOUR CHILD CHOOSE. They will have strengths and preferences. You’re facilitating their interests, not vice versa.
7) When they’ve finished those books, get some more. If they want to stay on the same topic (cars again???) let them.
8) As long as you stick to the list of their own interests, they will pursue any and every opportunity to learn about it. Reading on and around their own subject will introduce them to other disciplines, other ideas, other interests, and a wide vocabulary. Even if they only like
football, or cooking, or dogs.
9) Make your own list of interests, get out some books and READ.
10) Remember what you loved to do.
11) Find the link between your interest and your child’s interest, eg. social history + boxing = The Rumble In The Jungle, maybe.
12) Collaborate.
13) Don’t panic. As long as they/you are reading, you/they are learning. You’ll be amazed how much science, history, maths, art, etc there can be in a book about a talking fish.

I’ve got more, but that’s a good start.


You’ve got this 👍🏿
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