Yeah so anyway, I understand there’s an element of “just pick someone and give them a chance” because eventually those warm fuzzies won’t be there.

HOWEVER, those warm fuzzies ARE GOOD and NEED to be a part AT SOME POINT

Yeah that’s not necessarily gonna be right away
and we should be realistic about that

but if I’m still not attracted to a dude after the 2nd or 3rd date, why would I enter into a relationship with him.

‘settling’ isn’t fair to anyone, nor is it respectful of the dude.

and a girl isn’t required to go out with anyone who

maybe we should be a little more open to dudes we aren’t immediately attracted to, sure, SAME GOES FOR GUYS.

but sometimes you just know; you know what you need in a spouse and some people just ain’t it.

my reasonable dating take.
I don’t think the author of the original post MEANT to be tone deaf or mean, but reality is different from many dude’s perception.

a girl might turn you down, but she didn’t owe you a date; you also don’t know why she did, or what she’s looking for.
You might be “a great guy” but

neither you, nor she can force feelings, and there comes a point where it would be wrong.

and anyone can fight me on the “warm fuzzies” element; one of the strictest, traddest priest I know insisted that couples need to be in love.
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