A quick thread. What you see here is battle damage assessment from WW2. It has a point to make about this pandemic. Question: where should you put extra protection given these data?
Answer: where the damage isn't found. These planes survived. The ones that crashed did not get assessed. Put armour/ballistic glass in all the blank spaces.
There is an organisational survivor bias at play in the pandemic too: all those people being more productive/successful. This is NOT to be celebrated; it is a warning sign.
Those who aren't being as productive, aren't being as successful: as a leader, you must focus on those people first. Recognise the block. Try to remove it if you can, accept it if you can't.
That block is still there without all this, but these people cope in normal times without complaint. Give those people care and support, and your team will work better. More planes will land, more people will survive. /end
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