Palm trees (Phoenix dactilifera L.) have a crucial role for the economy of the oasis of Siwa (together with olive trees). This thread is about the different parts of the palm tree. I have combined data from several recordings I made (some terms might need revision).
Two papers by V. Battesti deal with the biodiversity of this tree in Siwa:
Battesti 2013 compares several sources and estimates that the number of palm trees in Siwa is approx. 200.000-250.000
There is also a short text by Laoust on impollination and palm trees in general
ṣaʕidi is one of the best dates one can find in Siwa (palm tree: tasutatt). At the opposite, ušək are usually those reserved for animals. Alkak are also considered of good quality. The general term for dates is tini/teni.
One palm tree is called aǧəḅḅaṛ. The plural is iǧəḅḅaṛən.
təzday designated a group of female palm trees (SG. tazdatt), but it is also often used as a general term for palm grove. əlboṛǧ is used to designate a group of old palm trees.
As far as the leaves are concerned, the part right before it is called takəwaxt (when dry). When fresh, tfudaxt.
The palm leaf itself is called əǧǧərid
The central hard part of the leaf is called taqəssart and is used when riding donkeys, for ex. This part is also called əǧǧrat and it is used to make chairs 'əlkursi', tables 'ṭṭarḅiẓa', fences 'talula'.
Big palm tree leaves are also used for the roof 'tasaqft'
The small green part of the leaf used to make carpets, baskets, etc... is called tazuwatt.
The thorn is tadri. Tadri is also used to cook meat during the celebration of ssyaḥət
The dry palm leaves are called aqəṭṭuš, and they are used as ṣɣaṛən (wood to burn)
šaṭṭət is the part right before a cluster of dates.
The cluster itself is takərdya (if dry), aziwa (if fresh).
tčallət is the cord that links all the dates of a cluster.
At the bottom of the main tree, the newborn small palm trees are called ləxlayəf. They are also referred to as təṛwawen, ‘children’ and they are usually planted elsewhere. Small ones in the middle of the trunk are not useful. They are called taǧǧra.
Palm heart is agruz. It is often donated to a future bride from her husband-to-be.
The end!
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