At the beginning of this pandemic Nicola Sturgeon locked us down to save lives, suppress the virus and build capacity in the NHS. Today she told us locking down again was essential to protect NHS capacity. Did we not make any progress?
Thousands of jobs have been lost, Businesses have been destroyed. Children’s education and future’s have been damaged as schools are closed and exams cancelled. Thousands of operations and treatments have been delayed, thousands of diagnosis’s missed.
Suicides are on the rise and mental health is declining. And yet nearly a year on the FM told us she is more worried then at last years peak! I have to question if the Scot Gov and the UK Gov really know what they are doing. The vaccine is apparently the only exit strategy.
Whilst we will all stay home if we can and follow the diktat of the Scot Gov because we legally have to, I and many others are questioning what other options have been considered. what cost benefit analysis has been done. Nobody decries how awful Covid is,
But as our liberties are curtailed again, and the Gov finds us incapable of judging risk and acting in our own and others best interests. I can’t help wondering if the collateral damage to people’s lives as a result of these decisions is going to far outweigh the virus itself.
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