Referring to election lies from people like Trump, GA election official Gabriel Sterling says, "The reason I'm having to stand here today is because there are people in positions of authority and respect who have said that [voters'] votes didn't count. And its not true."
GA election official Gabriel Sterling slams the Trump team for circulating misleading videos about vote counting: "The president's legal team had the entire tape, they watched the entire tape, and then from our point of view intentionally misled" America.
GA election official Gabriel Sterling on the Trump claim that there are 2,423 people who voted without being registered: "Let's just be clear about this: You can't do it. There cannot be a ballot issued to you ... The number is zero."
GA election official Gabriel Sterling on Trump's election rhetoric: "This is all, easily, provably false. Yet the president persists, and by doing so undermines Georgians' faith in the election system."
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