This should be required viewing -- Georgia elections official Gabriel Sterling going through an exhaustive debunking of the complete and utter lies about State Farm Arena vote counting (1/)
Here's part two of Georgia's Gabriel Sterling rounding out the lies about State Farm Arena's plumbing issue being staked and the video that -- in the eyes of the President and Mayor Giuliani -- showed there were secret ballots in suitcases pulled out when no one was looking (2/2)
Okay, so I decided that I'll do more of these because it's really important. Here was Sterling going through claims about double counting ballots and felons voting
This one focuses on claims about people under 18 voting, voting while using a P.O. Box as your address, voting past the voter registration deadline, and double voting.
Here's a really, really big topic that we're seeing a lot about -- signature matching. So this one gets its own video.
And this one is Gabriel Sterling talking about curing ballots, the widespread lie about the shredding of ballots, Dominion voting machines having parts swapped out, and Brad Raffensperger's brother working for China
This fact-check is another significant one -- there have been claims (including at hearing with Georgia lawmakers) the voting machines were connected to the internet and then hacked into. Gabriel Sterling adds that the Georgia Secretary of State's office was never asked to appear
Two more -- in this part, Sterling talks about the claim of ballots sitting in a Fulton County warehouse. Sterling says they were emergency ballots printed and especially done because of a COVID outbreak before the election among workers (
And here's the last one -- Sterling providing an explainer on what constitutes a "pristine ballot"
I leave you w/this from Gabriel Sterling: "There is illegal voting in every single selection in the history of mankind b/c there are human beings involved in the process. It's going to happen. It's a question of limiting it and putting as many safeguards as you can in place[.]"
P.S. The sign language guy is now a legend. Between people on Twitter and my colleagues, this guy bears striking resemblances to David Letterman, John Malkovich, and a bald Santa Claus to name just a few. Add in the black turtleneck and he's having the time of his life.
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