Let’s just recap the last week. @cenkuygur, @AOC, @IlhanMN, #squad, @RoKhanna, and many others have been called traitors because @jimmy_dore misunderstood the basics of how government works. He effectively tried to destroy years of progressive work for clicks and views.
He’s like the kid (that no one knows) who shows up at a party 3/4ths of the way through with cocaine, starts yelling about pyramid schemes and try’s to convince everyone that he is the one who really planned the event. He isn’t a flamethrower, he’s a suicide bomber.
In the process he convinced people that there is a magical world where everything gets done immediately without doing the basic required steps or following the rules of government. He thinks when a football game is played you can ignore the rules and the refs won’t penalize u.
Progressives are pissed right now. I am pissed right now. He thinks @BernieSanders isn’t left enough that @AOC is an actor and sellout. He is an insane conspiracy theorist and he is destroying the progressive movement. If this isn’t taken care of we can kiss M4All and GND goodbye
There have been disagreements and fights before, #fraudsquad is different. They did everything we asked and maneuvered politically in a way the progressive movement has never done before. And in return you all labeled them traitors and then got upset because they didn’t loop u in
Yes I’m pissed. Yes #fraudsquad is shortsighted, strategically stupid, and harmful to the overall movement for M4All and a GND. Yes, it is turning allies into enemy’s. But this is what has happened historically. A huge fracture just when progressives are about to achieve power.
So y’all either figure this shit out or lose power for another 20 years. You either figure out who you friends are and enemies or you hand power over to corporate dems and republicans for another 50 years. Me? I’m not that selfish. I actually care and understand what it takes.
The good news is that this is fixable, we can all get back on the same page and focus our anger and rage at the centrist corporate Dems and republicans that have made us suffer for years with zero dignity. We need M4All now and a GND immediately. That’s what we’re fighting for.
An excellent thread on what we (progressives) got in return for a vote for speaker https://twitter.com/bad_acid_labs/status/1346224945140015109
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