1/ This is a crime against, and an abuse of humanity as a whole.
Politicians are complicit. Media is complicit. Mega-corp execs, many health workers, scientists, and LE, also complicit.
Read these testimonies ⤵️
Decide for yourself. You've got that right. https://twitter.com/KilmerCannie1/status/1346149692070121472
2/ The screenshots I'm sharing are a wife's testimony, recounting what her and her husband are enduring after receiving the c0vid kool-aid.
I'll link to the original post at the end.
3/ It is ultimately your decision. No government official, entity or agency, nor your employer have any lawful right to force you to accept this untested remedy. That in itself is a crime against humanity.
Pls, RT this, and be sure to read the testimony embedded in the 1st tweet.
4/ Also, visit this site ~ https://c19study.com 
and ask yourself why the experts we are supposed to trust have been lying about effective treatments. If it was ever about saving lives, why would they be so reckless with your life, and their position of trust?
5/ The green areas are nations which aren't experiencing effective treatments being hidden, suppressed, or people being vilified for endorsing them.

It's your right to choose for yourself to allow the injection. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
Your body, your choice.
6/ Here is the link to the original FB post of this worried wife's testimony ~ https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.margulis.1/posts/10224806769744862
7/ A reminder, in case your forgot, to read the quoted tweet at the beginning of this thread. https://twitter.com/KilmerCannie1/status/1346149692070121472
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