However you look at it, today has been an utter shambles from the Labour leadership.

Regardless of your thoughts about Jeremy Corbyn, you know he would’ve stood by teachers, parents, pupils and unions immediately m, and without waiting for a leaked Downing St briefing. 1/13
Starmer has been caught out today. His video interview with a very persistent Sam Coates was truly lamentable.

This wasn’t a car crash, it was a 20 vehicle pile-up I’m afraid.

I have retweeted a couple of the many disillusioned Starmer voters - they’ve seen the light. 2/13
And how long before the public realise?

Let’s be honest. Labour’s polling is an anti-Johnson vote, it’s not a pro-Starmer vote. It’s not an endorsement of Starmer because he hasn’t offered anything to endorse. Nothing. He is policy free. 3/13
The abandonment of leadership from Starmer has been absolutely jaw-dropping.

You don’t ignore trade unions, Keir. Labour was formed by trade unions. The private donors haven’t come in with big money, like he was hoping, and the Union money is in massive jeopardy. 4/13
The comparison to Tony Blair are now utterly pointless, because Blair, the war criminal, would’ve at least had the guts to make a decision, whether we liked it or not.

This fence-sitting farce had to wait for Peston to leak a memo before calling for school closures! 5/13
He is just not good enough. Starmer has betrayed too many people, too many times.

He fooled many on the left into thinking he’s a safe pair of hands, and this, my friends, is a big fat lie. No ifs and no buts.

Remainers, socialists, teachers, parents, unions, who’s next? 6/13
His ten pledges are worthless. You’ve probably seen the meme about better links with trade unions.

He pledged to make “the moral case for socialism” - I kid you not.

Where were the morals when he abstained on the Spycops bill?

He is an unmitigated disaster. 7/13
Centrism has failed in Britain. The alternative to the Conservatives neoliberalism is common sense socialism.

Labour’s 2017 ‘For The Many’ manifesto helped Labour break records.

And the centrists still haven’t forgiven us. 8/13
This pathetic Lilly-livered fence sitting is the wrong politics at the wrong time.

Look at the state of Britain. A virus out of control, a useless government, recession, mass unemployment...

We need a radical alternative. Diet Tory isn’t the answer. 9/13
We need massive public investment beyond anything the Tories could ever dream of.

Starmer doesn’t have that ambition. It’s all focus group think tank Westminster sound bites.

Britain needs its own AOC. Someone not afraid to make the changes that we desperately need. 10/13
That person is not Keir Starmer, and it never will be unfortunately.

I’ve had cheese sandwiches more radical than Starmer.

The answer to the establishment problem isn’t more of the same way of doing things. 11/13
We’ve got a long road ahead, but I’m going to be there, every step of the way, because I refuse to support an establishment sycophant.

Starmer must go. Labour needs to be an opposition providing an alternative future.

Starmer has the charisma of a tangled hose. 12/13
An alternative to the entire rotten system is our only way out of this mess.

Starmer isn’t that alternative. He should go soon, off to the Lords or wherever the elite go, and let the socialists get on with offering a real radical alternative.

Starmer out.

13/13 End
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