We're live. Comments on "culture of this Commission, which I fully intend to take to FERC." -- Christie spells out a few aspects of that culture where he's served for 17 years --> https://twitter.com/TKavulla/status/1345890254386036742
1. "This is an independent Commission...We hire professionals without regard to politics. We have never for 17 years asked them to make findings of fact or take positions in cases to benefit special interests."
2. "Its commitment to law..." even when the law is a bad idea, "to put it charitably" that's happened sometimes in 17 years Christie has been there, he says.
3. "Culture of honesty and a culture of telling the truth." Per Orwell: "Telling the truth is a revolutionary act." ... "Our culture has been dedicated to putting out the facts without fear and without favor."
"The General Assembly can dictate the outcome of cases, but they can never take away our power to tell the truth about the cost of those policies." ... "When you come to the Commission, bring facts, not press releases"
Summing up: Christie says he will be "independent and honest in defense of the public interest," and he turns the chair of the VA SCC to Judge Judy Jagdmann
And there we have it: Judge Christie is now Commissioner Christie. Congratulations to him!
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