(PS) With Scotland going into lockdown, I don't know if this is a realistic option for Trump. But every major media report we've gotten for the last 2 months has said that Trump is almost *preternaturally* obsessed with losing his immunity from criminal prosecution on January 20.
(PS2) I've repeatedly said that—based upon my experience with 2,000+ criminal defendants—I don't believe that Trump would flee the country unless he believed he was facing imminent arrest (which, to be very clear, I don't think he believes). But this story is real and intriguing.
(PS3) The proper course of action now is for media to find out if Trump will be leaving the country at the moment that he loses his immunity from criminal prosecution. That is *also* the proper frame for the story—given what we know to be Trump's state of mind and preoccupations.
(PS4) The other, concurrent news story to at least keep in mind here is that Trump is in a legal dispute with his neighbors in Florida over whether he can reside at Mar-A-Lago. It gives him the perfect excuse to say that he needs to spend a few months at his property in Scotland.
(PS5) To those wondering about the legal implications of Trump being in Scotland as or when a state indictment is issued against him—yes, of course Scotland has an extradition agreement with the United States. But getting Trump here would take much longer and forestall an arrest.
(PS6) I ask folks to please not misquote anything I have said in this thread. I am merely noting the confluence of several major media stories that require follow-up from American journalists. I make no prognostications here about the future whatsoever, nor do I aim to speculate.
(PS7) To those wondering why Trump would fly on a military plane on January 19 rather than January 20, of course Trump may lose access to certain military flights at noon on January 20. And—in theory—such a flight may be necessary to penetrate Scotland's new coronavirus lockdown.
(PS8) I'm an Occam's Razor analyst—so my assumption is that if indeed Trump is planning a trip to Scotland, it's simply so he can be out of the country as Biden is being feted as our new POTUS. I *don't* presume it is an extradition issue. But this story must be pursued by media.
(PS9) As for how a hypothetical extradition issue would be affected by the pandemic, Scotland being in lockdown, and global travel restrictions, I've no idea. As to whether Scotland could be a temporary waystation for Trump before he visits other (e.g. UAE) properties, who knows.
(NOTE) While likely no indictment will issue against Trump before January 19, state investigators could publicly request he not leave the country during the period he is under investigation. It's not binding—but would underscore him going to Scotland as a potentially dubious act.
(MORE2) Per an INDEPENDENT (UK) source, the unusual U.S. military movements near Trump's property in Scotland are "usually a sign Trump is going to be somewhere [abroad] for an extended period." I don't know what "extended" means in this context, but it'll get a lot of attention.
(NOTE2) I've never been in the camp that thought MBS, MBZ, Erdogan, or Putin would shelter Trump against a federal case—angering Biden's administration is a no-go for all four. Letting Trump stay abroad while he domestically fights local prosecutors via his lawyers? Sure—why not.
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