Two thoughts here:
1) Yes, Nurk is awful in restricted area (screenshot sorted by FG%, limited to centers). It's a known weakness that he needs to fix. He also shoots more frequently in the paint but outside the RA than a lot of Cs. Can he find a way to turn those into RA FGAs?
2) Of 121 players that attempt at least 3 restricted area FGs per game McCollum and Jones Jr are 116 and 114 in FG%, respectively. CJ is at least average in the paint otherwise.

Well below career average for both of them, so this will hopefully improve as season continues.
3) Lillard is more or less doing his part so far. 22 of 58 among guards in FG% around the rim. Plus he's obviously good at drawing fouls, unlike CJ and DJJ. Also No. 18 in attempts per game.
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