(1) Let’s get one thing straight right now;

I was a mod on r/watchpeopledie.

Ive taken part in uncovering evidence of p3d0’s to reveal to LEO.

I have seen some *dark* sh*t in my day.

Unless you are used to it; you will NOT be able to handle “seeing the truth”. I promise ➡️
(2) So STOP with this ego based, bravado bullsh*t that you “want and need to see it”.

No. You dont. You need to know it exists. Thats it. Horrible sh*t needn’t be witnessed in person to incur PTSD.

This isnt reverse psychology. This isnt a game. It isnt a movie with ➡️
(3) props where the “actors” go home when the cameras turn off. The stuff that youre asking to see is stuff that will scar you and change you. It will jar your psyche and everything you thought you believed.

It will shake your faith. It will shake your will to live ➡️
(4) it will absolutely, positively tear you down to your core, and then do it again. Sound sleep will become a thing of the past. Nightmares become frequent.

Seeing trauma of that degree changes you, and who you are, and it does it AT YOUR VERY CORE. And guess what? ➡️
(5) YOU HAVE NO SAY IN IT. You have no idea how youll react, and odds are you will be opening yourself up to some serious mental trauma that will not be easily assuaged.

I implore you - dont seek videos. Dont seek pictures, and DO NOT seek audio. The addition of audio ➡️
(6) ALWAYS makes these things worse.

(Anyone who has seen the brick through the window video, or “Funkytown” knows exactly what I mean.)

Yall need to trust me. Unless youre hardened, and desensitized, and have been privy to this stuff already, you neednt seek it. ➡️
(7) It wont enhance your knowledge. It wont help you. It wont make you happier or make your life better. Ultimately; youre adults and can do as you please. Im just telling you to be prepared to stare the darkest of the dark in the face. Be prepared to confront every ➡️
(8) single fear and every single ounce of darkness you possess. Be prepared for cold sweats and uncontrollable tears/crying.

You think exposing this sh*t is easy? It isnt. It isnt like watching a movie, so lets stop acting like it is. Some of you need to realize the ➡️
(9) depth of that which you are asking for.

Here’s a tip, and I hate saying this but it bears mention; “Suicide Weekend” (IMO) has f@ck all to do with [them]. It has to do with the population that wont be able to accept what they learn/see.

This is THAT serious. ➡️
(10) So PLEASE. Tread lightly moving forward. Be CAREFUL what links you click. Be CAREFUL what you ask for, and above all else ADORN THE ARMOR OF GOD. For this is the exact period in time in which we will ALL need it the most.

God Bless all of you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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