#Cenk #jimmydore ALL THIS IS TURNING ME OFF (THREAD) Hi, I'm a 50-year-old Black woman who has never missed an election at the local, state or federal level since I voted in my dorm commissary at UC Berkeley at age 18. The policies that most inform my vote are
combatting #ClimateChange addressing #IncomeInequality combatting the empire tendencies of the United States, #RacialJustice in the United States and #WomensRights. I don't care one hoot about the individuals who carry water for those policies. I don't care
if they are white or non-white, old or young, rich or poor, or whatever gender. If they are EFFECTIVELY advocating for those policies, then YAY! I'm deeply in the habit of voting and, when I can afford it, giving money to campaigns. It's not a habit that I'm going to break
even as my distrust of the democractic processes in the U.S. increases. But that's me. My mother always voted, my grandmas always voted. I will always vote. Yet I look at this yelling back and forth regarding #JimmyDore, #TheSquad, #Cenk, #BernieSanders and I'm REALLY
concerned that Black people, especially young ones, who are not as deeply habituated to voting as I am may just throw up their hands in disgust and confusion and stop paying attention to politics altogether cause they are disgusted by the shoutfest.
I often wonder if the people engaged in the shoutfesting are even U.S. citizens or foreign agents pretending to be U.S. citizens on social media for the very purpose of disgusting people into disengaging.
I understand that there are legitimate differences in how people think it best to achieve turning specific policy positions into actual legislation that makes a material impact on the lives of working class and poor people for the better.
But there has GOT to be a way to express those difference that doesn't include turning off actual voters. I'm glad that supposedly only 25% of the electorate uses Twitter regularly. If it were more I fear there would be more Black voters turned off.
Here's MY suggestion. Most of this argueing is about what strategies would be most effective for creating Progressive legislation at the FEDERAL level. Why not flip the conversation to legislation that could be enacted at the State, County and City level?
@HousingLB keeps me well informed about actions I can take to encourage the City Council of Long Beach, CA to enact city laws that will assist vulnerable renters and combat homelessness in #LongBeachCA. @GigWorkersRise kept me well informed about the sham that was #Prop22 here
in California (Ultimately California voters were fooled by all the money Lyft and Uber poured into the campaign. But they'll learn). All you Leftist shouting at each other, I find it hard to believe that within your city, within your county, within your State, there are no
policies for which you could be educating and advocating WITHOUT bringing you into a shoutfest with the fellow Leftist in your particular local. And advocating and educating on those policies which are close to home would be, in my belief, a very effective way to keep
non-habituated Black voters engaged. The shoutfesting you're doing now ain't it.
You can follow @AdreanaInLB.
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