I keep seeing the drama about the gays who traveled to #PuertoVallarta to party for New Years and... the divide is honestly hilarious.

People aren't upset you like to party. People are upset at the decision to do so irresponsibly in a foreign country during a pandemic.
Not only that, but people are upset that a high percentage of the travelers are American healthcare workers. Workers who have been found previously on social media pleading with people to wear masks, socially distance, etc.
So, they can plead with the American public to take covid seriously and to ease the stress on the healthcare system... but, they can turn around and attend maskless super spreader parties in Mexico because they're gay and the pandemic has stripped them of "gay culture."
Sorry, but that is in no way even close to how it works. Get over yourselves.

Imo people have every right to out them for being such hypocritical selfish beings. Their employers are being emailed and their social media accounts are being documented. You did it to yourselves.
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