Important OPQ on obesity in @UKHouseofLords tomorrow. Hugely looking forward to opp to run through massive government programme on this important national challenge.

Today's launch of #betterhealth campaign is a great example.


2/2 Promotions: Our announcement on the 28th December 2020 confirmed we will legislate to stop the promotion of HFSS products by volume and prominent locations both online and in store in England.
5. Out of Home Calorie Labelling: The obesity strategy confirmed we will introduce legislation to require large out-of-home sector businesses, with 250 or more employees, to calorie label the food they sell.
6. Alcohol Calorie Labelling: We will consult shortly on our intention to make companies provide calorie labelling on all pre-packaged alcohol they sell.
11. Calorie Reduction: PHE published its calorie reduction guidance (Sept 2020) for all sectors of food industry (manufacturers, retailers and the eating out, takeaway and delivery sector) to reduce amount of calories in certain food categories by 2024.
12. Marketing and labelling of infant foods: We will consult on proposals to improve the marketing and labelling of commercial food and drink products for infants and young children, so that parents and carers have clear and honest information.
13. More to do ... consultations due be published on (1) alcohol calorie labelling and (2) labelling and marketing of infant foods. And we need to respond to the Prevention Green Paper.
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