@marisollebron really did that with a thread about letter of recommendation writing, but I wanna emphasize for those on the asking end of this process: please make sure that you ask for a FAVORABLE letter of recommendation. IN WRITING. Free game.
1. DO ask a professor you have some kind of relationship with. More than one class. Made at least a B or better.
2. DO NOT ASK just because you liked that professor or enjoyed the ONE CLASS.
3. Ask as soon as you can. Like....6-8 weeks is ideal.
4. DO ask a professor to write for you that was able to see you in your element. Read some of your work. Not just offering your opinion. Give them meat to put on the bone.
5. If it's a major ask - grad school or fellowship - ask professors from your upper level courses. Your comp professor will seldom be able to explain your potential as a grad student if they only reviewed your work from your freshman year.
6. You should have a shortlist of potential writers. If one can't do it you have another possible. Like Spades LOL.
7. When you have everything together - updated CV/resume, personal statement draft or outline, etc. Email and ask.
"Hello Professor Bradley,
I hope you're well. I am applying for bomb ass grad program/fellowship. I'm writing to ask for a favorable letter of recommendation of letter from you on my behalf. The deadline is ____ and can be submitted by _____." Thank you for your consideration."
8. If your professor is able to write on your behalf, send them a THANK YOU NOTE. Hometraining, folks. Hometraining.

ALSO: don't be out here recycling. I will fight you if you use my letter for some shit I did not agree to. ASK TO REUSE A LETTER.
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