"I'm antifascist but I support Bernie, AOC and capitalism"

Hmm. I think ya'll missed the part where being anti-fascist goes hand in hand with anti-capitalism, but don't pay attention to history.
Fascism cannot thrive unless there is a capitalist society to boost it, and a capitalist, or corporate structure to boost it. Hitler was friendly to big business or did ya'll forget?
There's antifa people who aren't about anything revolutionary at all. That's why I separate the phrase "antifa" from anti-fascist. Because a lot of people who claim to be antifa are just angry progressives, apolitical people on the street, or just random people who hate Nazis.
Nazis are bad, no doubt. But things like imperialism, white supremacy, patriarchy, state sanctioned xenophobia, discrimination, institutional racism, police brutality, the far right, prison industrial complex, etc. are all functions of capitalist society.
This isn't a new problem. Back in the 1930's and 40's, even as far back as the 20's, many Social Democrats engaged in fights and demonstrations against fascists in Europe and the Americas. Coalitions between hardcore communists and soc-dems was common. But they weakened things
At the end of the day hypocritically they sided with fascists, and fascism, and participated and contributed not only to the murder of marxists and anarchists, but radical labor activists in general, and the slaughter of innocent oppressed people via imperialism.
Progressives poisoned black lives matter, and progressives poison anti-fascist work. Because they think in the short term. I've seen dozens of anti fascist 'organizing groups' disappear overnight since Biden got elected. They weren't anti oppression they were just anti Trump.
In their minds the entire concept of evil in the universe is personified by the republican party. For the working class, for oppressed people of color, for black people in particular--the enemy is capitalist society, it's imperialism, its neocolonialism, and its white supremacy
The enemy of the African is not strictly a republican, the enemy of the african is a republican, a democrat, a centrist, an independent, a socdem, a "demsoc", a parliament member, a prime minister, any sitting figurehead politician anywhere in the world. POLITICIANS are the enemy
The enemy of ALL marginalized people, all working people, all oppressed people, is the system itself. Not a party, not a candidate. A system. A structure. Neo-Nazism, neo-fascism and white nationalism are just the open, street-level displays of the ideology of the system.
Nazis are simply saying with their appearance, and with their outward actions, what "mainstream" society already feels, what the oppressor, what the elites already believe and perpetuate. The nazi is just the dumbed down version. Politicians are just nazis without swastika flags
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