Reopening school buildings can't happen now. Especially in light of out-of-control community spread, evidence that kids get COVID, the new more-easily transmittable mutation, and lack of teachers. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
More school buildings will likely remain closed. A relief to many Black, Latino and Indigenous families who suffered the bulk of COVID infections, deaths and debilitations. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
BTW: A preschool teacher who works w/one of our son's former preschool teachers has COVID. As a result, our son's former teacher is now handling her class as well as her own. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
The high number of teachers and aides getting COVID is problematic for school systems that have gone all-virtual. It is devastating to those that have reopened buildings for hybrid/full in-person. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
Schools can't operate without people. Simple as that. If school buildings reopen admit high spread, teachers and other workers will get sick. No one can replace them. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
Many substitute teachers are retired teachers. Many other subs have options beyond teaching. Small-ball bonuses will not lead more teachers to risk their lives. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
Problem is, even when infection rates were relatively low in D.C., most Black, Latino and White families were still unwilling to send their kids back into school buildings. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
Folks can talk about DCPS 'squandering' an opportunity to reopen. But without much-needed money for PPE and improved ventilation, as well as more money for bodies, this wasn't going to happen. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
Meanwhile in Britain... @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
The reason? Turns out that the B117 variant of COVID is a real mutha. @ConorPWilliams @karinchenoweth @selmekki @KenyaBradshaw @ericlerum @jacobwaters
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