Nobody should be evicted from their home in the current situation.
Nobody should have to travel to court or be at court to try to save their home at the current time.
A mandatory possession order could be made on covid-related arrears from just two out of the last nine months.
People who lose their homes have to make a lot of contact with a lot of other people to find a new one. Otherwise they have to move in with relatives. Otherwise they are on the streets.
For everyone's safety, none of that should be happening at this time.
There has been no further risk assessment of court venues since the new strain and shocking rise in new infections. The assertion that courts are safe because they are not close contact settings just ignores the way that transactions at court happen in the real world.
None of the options are good but the eviction moratorium must be extended and I don't see how possession lists, even under the Overall Arrangements, can continue safely.
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