Welcome Will! and welcome back!

Will is the only person I've ever hired who did all the work BEFORE starting the job. To everyone who is looking for a job in venture, this is how he landed this

Read on >> https://twitter.com/will_bricker/status/1346127802622504962
Early 2019, he emailed.

Him: Are you hiring for summer internships?
Me: No. no budget. no role. esp not MBAs who are looking for high salaries and don't know anything (as someone who has one)
Him: ok, will you let me just shadow and jump in here and there?
Me: ok
Him: [goes and does all this stuff] I've set up your entire deal flow triaging system w/ auto emails. All you need to do is put in your credit card.

Me: Oh! Thank you! (what we use today) We have a bit of $$ in SG w/ if you want in the summer. But not MBA lev.Might cover housing
Him: Ok cool. [goes and sets up our whole system there]

Me: Oh amazing - thank you!

Him: I'll go back to tweaking a bunch of stuff on the deal flow triaging.

Me: Ok cool - do whatever.
Him: Hey I did all this research on the PPP loans - do you think this would be useful to your port cos?

Me: Oh awesome - yes for sure!

Him: [does the presentation and so many of our pre-seed cos got loans]
Him: Hey I'd like to stay in VC post-graduation ideally in NYC.

Me: Great! Let me intro you to some of my VC friends in NYC.

Unfort, we have no budget. And, we want ppl to have run a biz to understand the entrep exp. 1 of our port cos is going through a tough pivot right now.
Him: I'm happy to jump in and help them out. [Helps them w/ their pivot over the next several months]

Me/Eric/Shiyan: Will is really awesome! We don't know if we'll get more budget from a new fund. But I'd be down to cut my salary to bring him on if needed. Me too. Me too.
And that's how it's done.

We had no budget. We had no investment role. We had no time to create structure / mentorship / a job.

But we wanted to bring @will_bricker onboard because he hopped into any scenario unexpectedly did whatever it took to get stuff done.
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