I err on the side of mostly liking AOC she really does seem dedicated to serving her district/community. She’s a product of it. That means something to me, not so much to Twitter. The specific needs of working class immigrants in NY-14 don’t get talked about so much on here.
And I do mean “err.” You don’t like public servants, they serve you. I’m their boss. I don’t have to like them. But I do kinda like her, nonetheless. she seems to give a shit, seems to mean well. not saying that inoculates her from criticism, I’m saying I can work with that.
the way I “like” people is very different from the way Twitter “likes” people I’ll say that much lol
If you’ve flown into LaGuardia before you’ve been to AOC’s district btw. if you’ve been to Jackson Heights in Queens to witness what a multiracial democracy/“country of immigrants” really looks like you’ve been to AOC’s district
Anyway if you don’t live in their districts & you can’t stop talking about the squad or w/e there’s a low ceiling of a point of diminishing returns there. if you don’t live in their district, shut up!
something to be said for minding your side of the street when it comes to lobbying collaborative legislative bodies

if you’re want to do electoralism, understand basic civics don’t just mob/demonize/defend the person who has fucking clout lol
if she makes nice with Pelosi, Biden, the Dem establishment to help speed up visa processing for even one Bengali constituent that hasn’t seen their kids in years, that’s just worth it to me. forest for the trees, imo.
her job is to serve her district, NOT us, not piss off the DNC/DCCC/House Dem leadership. she’s not our pundit. she doesn’t belong to us, never did. her duty belongs to the people who live in her DISTRICT.
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