When you begin to see how many harmful practices are tied to and/or depend upon abortion, you can't ever look at it the same:

- rape
- child brides
- human trafficking
- corporate denial of loss for fetal homicide, miscarriage, or stillbirth
- lack of informed consent for minors
- domestic violence
- marginalization of the impoverished
- ableism against otherly abled
- misogyny of sex selection
- targeting of minorities/refugees/immigrants
- gaslighting of women wounded
- disempowerment of women who want to birth live children
- children seen as burdens
- separation of mother/child bond
- wedge between fathers and mothers
- removal of father's rights
- encouragement to men to treat women as sport
- perpetual dismissal of child rights
- degradation of women's biology
- ignorance of maternal mortality causes/solutions
- doctors pitted against patients
- conscience protection ripped from practitioners
- a shift from triage to hierarchy of human worth
- creating categories of despensible people
- encouraging death in response for suffering
- reduction in the value of human life
- research on humans that gave no consent
- separation, transfer, and sale of human body parts
- eugenics
- attempts to create "ideal" humans
- eugenics in IVF practices
- disposal of millions of embryos in IVF
- commodifcation of humans
- sale of humans in adoption practices
- perpetuation of subpar healthcare for women
- refusal to provide safety protocols & oversight for women's health
- refusal to track outcomes for women's health post-abortion
- lack of standardized care for women's health
- legalization of untrained/unlicensed counseling
- barriers to informed consent for women in healthcare.
- paternalistic restrictions on research regarding effects of abortion
- reframing research results to deny women's negative reactions to abortion
- reframing research results to deny happy mothers.
- gatekeeping of the medical and mental health fields in an attempt to keep out "undesirables" based on political/religious beliefs
- censorship of opposing ideas/concerns
- loss of careers/licenses due to political/religious beliefs
- unlawful search and seizure of a journalist
- restrictions on freedom to peacefully assemble
- tax dollars funding abortions both domestic and international including in impoverished 3rd world countries: i.e. elitism & classism
- research on impoverished women in 3rd world countries
- population control of "undesirables"
- elite profit off of poverty
- transfer of resources from healthcare to minimal contact abortion care
- lack of follow up for women's health
- transfer of funds from impoverished to elites
- restricted life-saving/technologically advanced care from the impoverished.
- attempts to shut down organizations that help women secure needed care and items for their families.
- villinization of any organization that attempts to meet women where they are and provide other options.
- attempts to minimize options for women including abortion reversal.
- marginalization of children in foster care.
- co-opting suicidality/mental health as justification for redistributed trauma.
- objectifiation of rape survivors.
- objectifiation of families facing high-risk pregnancies.
- gaslighting of women who had lifesaving early delivery.
- hijacking & misrepresenting stories of women who died during pregnancy/birth who had no desire for abortion.
- lack of quality/thoughtful whole health care for families facing fetal anomaly diagnoses.
- grotesque and dehumanizing language regarding children with anomalies.
- attempts to deny children in utero pain medication during surgeries.
- dehumanizing language regarding the unborn despite science affirming their humanity.
- HIPPA violations as doctors share edited & misleading details of specified patient care.
- Klopfer
- Gosnell
- covered up malpractice
- legalization of infanticide in New Zealand
- conflation of perinatal hospice and infanticide
- denial of lifesaving care for micro-preemies despite
- denial of parental informed consent for care of micro-preemies
- denial of viability for preemies
- attempts to prevent paternity support during pregnancy
- minimizing of alternative ways to support parenting for single/student parents
- denial of repro justice in exchange for abortion access
- exploitation of the horrors of historical racism in gynecology to support abortion
- unfounded discrediting of any researcher whose results indicate negative reactions towards abortion (Fergusson, Coleman, Reardon)
- refusal to publish research that revealed mental health complications post-abortion (Fergusson)
- taunting of women sharing abortion stories.
- conflation of pregnancy with rape
- intentional confusion of consent and consequences suggesting biological processes have motive.
- intentional confusion of natural versus civil rights
- minimization of treatments for pregnancy complications in order to push abortion
- grifting off the backs of the LGBTQ+ community to increase an appearance of inclusivity while simultaneously permitting sex selection abortion.
- suggesting surgery or a pill cures suicidality
- suggesting those who experience mental health complications are inherently unwell
- reclassifies ultrasounds as harmful content
- stigmatizes grief
- pushes philosophy as the new science, & feelings as the new religion
- criminalizes acknowledgement of human life as supported by embryology & perinatalology
- reduces insurance coverage for perinatal care
- punishes any clinic worker who dares to speak out about health violations, racism within the organization, or a need to focus on whole healthcare
- demands NDA from clinic workers with threats of removal of insurance coverage if violated
- gaslighting of former clinic workers
- reclassifies socioeconomic concerns as mental health justifications which in turn simultaneously reduces the understanding of true mental health diagnoses and the impact of disparity on access to healthcare.
- attempts to silence women from speaking about reasons for abortion
- leaves mental health practitioners (MHPs) with the fear of attempting to determine when acknowledging a loss is supportive versus stigmatizing
- limits resources for MHPs in learning how to address post-abortive complications
- encourages MHPs in gaslighting clients
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