As promised, here's a thread on


It's going to be a long thread but it will bless you.
Who should read this thread?
Everyone basically. If you believe tongues can be typed, this will show you if it's possible.

If you believe otherwise, you get a better understanding.

Let's start.

What is tongues. Generally speaking, it is a language. For example, my mother's tongue is Yoruba. For the purpose of this thread, we will stick to what Christians call tongues.

According to Mark 16:17, those that believe in Jesus will speak with new tongues.
We see the first outpouring in Acts 2 and there was no record of the tongues being written.
Infact, there was no record of 'tongues' written in scriptures.

You may ask, if Tongues is a language, why can't it be written?
Good question.
Tongues is a language but what type of language?
1 Corinthians 14:2 say that person speaks to God uttering mysteries in the spirit and not unto man.
We can therefore deduce tongues is God's language (this is corroborated in scripture).

If Tongues is God's language and he says to speak it, then it means it should only be spoken.
Why? Because our mind and faculties can't understand it without interpretation.
There will always be the limitations of the mind.

This makes it IMPOSSIBLE to write in tongues.
You may argue, I always interpret my tongues when I speak it, why can't I just type it while speaking?

When people type in tongues, it's usually with English alphabets typed to sound like syllables or gibberish.

Can you already see the flaw?
English is not the only language in the world and if we say it's a language exclusive to those that believe in Jesus, it means no alphabet of any known language will be able to express it.

While it may seem very spiritual to type in tongues, it is actually ERROR and shows lack of understanding in this area.

Tongues is given as a gift to the believer to communicate in the highest language directly to God.

No other person understands this language except those in the same family (Christians). The devil is completely clueless with it.

Maybe when we get to heaven, we may be able to type in tongues since all limitations have been removed.

Until then, keep praying, talking and singing in tongues.

No typing.

I hope this helps.

God has blessed you

Feel free to ask questions.

Turns out to be a short thread 😀😀
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