NFT's are the Future

1) On the first day of quarantine, I realized that the only way I would survive with my sanity in tact, was to play video games. So I went out and bought a ps4, with the full intention of playing madden.
2) I had not played a video game in over 10 years. While I was browsing what games to download, I decided to try Fortnite, to see what was so special about this game that I had heard so much about.
3) I linked up with some friends and their nephews, and played with them. The FIRST thing these 10 year old kids asked me was "Did you buy any skins?!?" To which I replied asking whether they gave me any special powers. They didn't, so I thought it was stupid to pay for them.
4) Fast forward a few months, and I had spent a few hundred dollars on skins and in game swag, which would not enhance any of my gameplay, it was just an "outfit."
5) But that's the key revelation I had here. These kids were spending money on digital goods, the way I would spend money on designer clothes/hats etc. when I was their age. And sure, these kids have zero purchasing power right now.
6) But in 10-15 years, they will be productive members of society. They intuitively understand digital assets. And they will be spending alot of their income on these digital assets and experiences.
7) Now today, alot of the best experiences happen in these centralized games, but I'm sure that at some point in the future, these centralized games/worlds, will have to disrupt themselves by opening up their platforms and giving players ownership rights.
8) That future is coming. And if you were to take a look at the games/digital collectibles blockchain market, that will lead the way to mass adoption of blockchain.

HUMANS LIKE RARE THINGS. It makes them feel special
9) There is a reason someone will buy a $1k Gucci shirt over a regular Hanes shirt. It conveys social status/ makes them special/ makes them stand out. These are instincts inherent to the human experience for thousands of years. This will not change in the digital future.
10) At this point in time there might not be a way to digitally "flex," but it will happen. And sooner than many think.
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