As a local reporter, I was often incredulous at who would be elected to local office: generally wealthy (giving them mystical power, however they got it), who had some recognition from a business, ad or family somewhere, and who “looked the part.”
That was it.
No one ever discussed “But are they a good person.” “Are they sane.” “Are they human.” “What good have they done.” And the like.
Then, years later, unless they f’d up royally, I would inevitably see this same useless but ambitious poser elected to state legislature, then Congress.
Each office serving as enough “qualification” for the next.
Because so few are paying attention.
It is everyone’s responsibility to know who you are voting for.
Whether it’s school board or Senate.
Because ultimately, you will pay for their wrongs.
America’s rot from the (deep) inside comes from this indifference and selfishness.
“Making it work” is always someone else’s problem.
But then, part of this is human nature.
Who was elected your class president? The nicest, smartest, most fair kid who stood up for others?
Or the biggest douche, with slick moves and good hair?

Sadly, flash, popularity, and perceived competence will always be mixed.
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