So, it looks like another lockdown is likely.

And it's no coincidence that the people calling for harder lockdowns - i.e. activist teachers, journalists etc., all don't stand to lose much if there is another one. They will still receive an income (govt subsidised or not)...
Polling still shows that the public are broadly in favour of more lockdowns.

I'd hazard a guess that this is largely due to the fact that most people's wages and livelihoods aren't at risk (yet). The govt has spent billions on support...
If there were no furlough scheme, and if every time there was a new lockdown imposed then politicians and media salaries were cut to zero, there would be no lockdowns.

But for many people this is the reality - a complete end to their business and livelihood.
I don't know if locking down is the right thing to do or not. But there's no media coverage on the costs of lockdown, only a complete fixation on whether we're locking down early/hard enough. This suits the majority who will continue to get paid, but many will lose everything.
Here's hoping that the govt can roll out vaccinations as soon as possible.

Society should reopen completely when all vulnerable and over 65s are vaccinated. Otherwise there may not be much left.
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