Given the very serious concerns about the South African variant - both how infectious it is, and on the vaccine effectiveness - why isn’t Govt already taking much stronger border measures - inc stronger testing, quarantining & flight restrictions, not just from SA itself? ...1
In first wave Govt was too slow on border measures, failing to act while other countries introduced comprehensive quarantine/testing/screening. Critical border failures accelerated spread of virus as @CommonsHomeAffs found. Must learn lessons now /2
It’s not enough to restrict direct flights from South Africa, when variant has already spread internationally. Evidence showed in first wave, greatest impact came from travellers (often returning UK citizens) from Spain/France/Italy not direct flights from Wuhan .../3
There are self isolation rules this time. But these are more limited & more patchily enforced than other countries. What about testing before travelling, testing on arrival, stronger quarantine arrangements or more flight restrictions? Has Govt/Sage/advisors looked at these? /4
Fact that we have some SA variant cases here already isn’t a reason to give up on preventing more new cases arriving (again as first wave evidence showed impact of additional cases arriving throughout March). .../5
Assume Govt looked at this after the first wave. Given how much is still unknown about SA variant & vaccine, & given how much pressure the NHS is already under from the UK new variant, surely, surely they’ve looked at precautionary border measures to stop things getting worse? /6
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