MORE on the Trump-Raffensperger call timeline, a source familiar tells me:

Secretary Raffensperger received the call from the White House at 2:41pm on Saturday, speaking for the first time after 18 previous attempts by Trump in the past 2 months since the general election. (1/x)
Officials within the SoS office recorded the call & Raffensperger made clear to advisers he didn’t want a transcript or audio released – unless Trump attacked GA officials or misrepresented the conversation

8:29a Sunday: Trump calls Gov. Kemp & Lt. Gov. Duncan a “disgrace” (2/x)
At 8:57a Sunday, President Trump tweets a description of his call with @GaSecofState — which indicates the president did not think the content of their call was confidential, having provided the topics discussed. (3/x)
Per source, the Georgia SoS office requested their General Counsel be on the phone call, but it wasn’t scheduled for the purpose of settling pending litigation, as falsely alleged by the GAGOP chairman.

Raffensperger said on GMA being “in litigation mode” posed a challenge (4/x)
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