In 2009, I studied the history of the FBI/CIA and also the Hitler regime (research for a book). I expected it to be a dull errand, not a horrific realization that the evil methods of operation of US agencies were often indistinguishable in their actions from the N regime. AND...
2) I found no evidence whatsoever that these abhorrent programs had stopped. Quite the opposite... I kept waiting for the books to get to the part where the programs ended, were properly disclosed/exposed, all went to prison, victims were compensated, and these agencies prevented
3) from ever conducting unethical operations against their own citizens and others ever again... But... no. That part of the books wasn't written. We can only conclude then, that the operations are still ongoing. Even programs that were supposedly forced to end have many signs
4) of simply changing the name of the program/operation and shifting things around to look like something else... nope, just a continuation of the same unlawful evil thing as before. Except, year after year, the tech capabilities rose, and the level of wickedness had to also rise
5) As society became progressive, there wasn't much left that society universally labels a "compromising position": activities rejected as unacceptable, unforgivable, unpardonable & if caught- jailed or fired. Blackmail doesn't work if all human activity is accepted and defended
6) There was still ONE area of human activity that society considered to be abhorrent, a step too far... and it is that step that the controllers needed to produce blackmail material. Grooming a society to accept such activities as a normal preference would free the blackmailed,
7) but would be a disadvantage to the controllers who use that blackmail material at great investment cost. So, sometimes the agencies may put on a strong face that they are stopping the evils, because it is in their best interest for society to continue to reject evil acts,
8) as the blackmail material loses its power to control their puppets if society no longer cares what these politicians/others do, no matter how depraved.

The same is true if a society believes "there's never any justice anyway, so I no longer care... they're ALL evil".
9) The Controllers who use blackmail to force actions from their puppets do not want society to:

a. Tolerate and accept evil actions that they use to frame/blackmail with

b. Develop apathy toward all evil, accepting, giving up on the fight

Therefore, in their best interest to
10) keep the populace angry and concerned about certain crimes.. and keep them engaged and believing that actions will happen if they care enough about the victims and the crimes.

So... sometimes...

Agencies and others who appear to be fighting FOR the victims, are actually
11) part of a marketing campaign to keep the power of the blackmail going, to keep the public outraged about evil crimes, and believing that it matters.

In this way, the blackmail methods and materials that they've invested in, still give a solid return on that investment,
12) They can say, "vote this way", and their puppets will. They can say, "record this".
"Say this"
"Do this"
And they will.

The moment the blackmail material loses power, the Controllers lose power over their puppets.

In all of this, the victims of heinous crimes are
13) nothing more than a commodity. Some of these human lives had "no papers", as if they never existed and don't even count as a person.

I'm writing this thread to share my conclusions after researching old records, in actual physical libraries, old dusty books no one reads.
14) Because... what I see here often is that people don't believe these things could possibly have happened.

Bad things that violate human rights & universally evil were already proven and documented to have been done by agencies.

The evil progressed because society progressed.
15) One cannot blackmail someone for, say, having an affair. So what? Society progressed to accept that relationships between adults are no one's business. A scandal, nothing more.

What's a blackmailer to do then?

What's still off limits?

And... it has a logical path.
16) It's best for people to get off the "that could never happen because we'd know, there'd be justice...." etc., path because it's not helpful.

It did happen.
There has been very little justice over the years.
The situation is ongoing.

THAT is the status, and many know it.
17) One of the complicating factors that has caused this evil to skyrocket way beyond any other blackmailing operation is this...

Blackmail material of the past, which may have been something as simple as a photograph of a quaint peck on the cheek as assumed proof of adultery,
18) wasn't lucrative. The blackmail material was only valuable to the Controllers who would get something out of the puppet... which may have had incredible value, but outside of those involved in the scheme, there was no monetary value to the actual photo of a kiss.

19) the vast enterprise of trafficking, organ harvesting, snuff films, and many more horrific evils is extremely lucrative all along the supply chain. Everyone gets a cut who aids in the criminal venture. So, there are thousands of investors in the scheme...
the blackmailers now
20) have many interested parties who protect their blackmail material operation, but...
the downside to them is that there are too many operators and with many players, there will be stupid ones who mess things up.
They can't keep up with all of the mistakes.
21) Evil, perversion, and greed has swelled to a size too big for them to manage. They can't kill ALL of the whistleblowers, as there are too many... there were too many greedy bribe takers and participants, too many blackmailers, too many operators going off script and devising
22) their own separate operations. Because of this, they truly are caught.

We are now waiting to see what will happen next.

1. We know
2. They know that we know

🖌️ "He Wept"

/end thread/
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