Good Morning..let's talk a bit about toxic masculinity. Jesse, here, claims to be a bastion of manliness.
Tired, sad, hurt, angry, outraged are human emotions. The toxic male sees this as weakness. Why? What's behind that bravado? A robot. Shell of a human, ill-equipped to process humanity.
Toxic males can't debate with a significant other without lashing out. I'm a grownassed man. I've never laid a hand on a woman in anger, ever. Why? Many reasons. It's not how I was raised. It's not right. It solves nothing. If I can't articulate myself in an argument, that's me.
I can tell by looking at dude if he's a toxic male, by observing his partner. Do they wilt or defer in their presence. Y'all, I've seen a woman flinch during softball when someone offered a high-five. She had terror in her eyes.
I've always found it funny that a majority of toxic males are broken inside and that brave face, the lashing out soothes them, by keeping control, when they have none.
Imma be honest, I've trolled, mocked, denigrated toxic males to their faces. They chose to attempt to punch down and embarrass someone. I chose to respond. Toxic males are bullies. Bullies only learn when you don't back down.
I have a 4-year-old son. He's a happy, sensitive little guy. I will teach him how to be a respectful man, with the ability to express with words and the knowledge of how to treat those around him. Why? Because as a father, I owe society that.
Now, don't mistake that for being a pushover. You can be strong and confident, bold in your pursuits without treating people like garbage. There is a clear and distinct line.
As men, we owe those around us, the chance to break the decades-old cycle of toxic masculinity.
And for guys like Brad that believe they can roam the Earth, trying people. They will meet the wrong one.

Hi, I'm the wrong one.
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