IMO we just had the 14-10k nuke, bull market may be over, it will be a fleecing where we do stupid bounces from support that dont make any sense to bears but make sense to everyone else, you bid support sell resistance until it stops working.
just to prove im not a coping bear :3
This is the time where traders get chopped to absolute shit. Guys, if you're up a bunch and you suddenly start getting little haircuts, I beg you to take some off the table/have very rigid stops where you just take the L

the little cuts can ruin your mood and make you angry,
then you end up revenge trading and honestly the only thing easier than making money in a bull market is losing money in the consequent chop.

Stay safe homies x
we had plustoken selling + huge massive overleverage action in mid 2019 and price still stayed 14k-10k range for months

be patient. dont try and the big short this, you will get run over.
this is when basic TA works the best btw. The most obvious patterns. Triangles. Wedges. all that hoo hah.
i will take 10000 trades before this day is over, and i think you should too

long only apes will be punished, short support apes will be punished

its a traders bonanza
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